

MD Internet Access

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

The open internet, or net neutrality, is the principle of online fairness. It enables everyone to share ideas, information and other content on the internet without throttling, censorship, or extra fees from big internet service providers.

Net Neutrality Means A Free and Open Internet for Everyone

Why Common Cause fights for Net Neutrality

In a 21st century democracy, everyone needs access to a free and open internet. The free flow of information is indispensible to a functioning democracy. Today, the internet is the primary communications platform, a virtual public square where this vital exchange of ideas occurs. Americans not only rel on the internet to access news and information, but also to pursue education, gain employment, and receive healthcare, among a variety of other uses. This is why protecting an open internet – net neutrality – is of paramount importance.

Common Cause Delivers Petition With Over 126,000 signatures to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel

Common Cause Delivers Petition With Over 126,000 signatures to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel

Advocates across the country joined together in the fight for net neutrality!

Internet Access & Net Neutrality

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.



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