بيان صحفي

Massachusetts House Sends VOTES Act to Conference Committee

The House of Representatives made progress on much needed reforms in the VOTES Act, like vote by mail, expanded early voting, and jail-based voting which will make our democracy stronger.

Today, the Massachusetts House approved its version of ح.4359، قانون الأصوات.

Because the version approved today differs from the version passed by the Senate, the bill will go to a conference committee. Among the differences that need to be reconciled: Same Day voter registration provisions were stripped from the bill during House Ways and Means Committee review. When the bill was first filed, it included Same Day voter registration; and 84 Representatives, the majority of House members, signed on as cosponsors. Efforts to add Election Day Registration back into the bill during House consideration today were not successful.

بيان ائتلاف تحديث الانتخابات في ماساتشوستس

The House of Representatives made progress on much needed reforms in the VOTES Act like vote by mail, expanded early voting, and jail-based voting which will make our democracy stronger.

We are truly disappointed the House voted 93-64 to defeat Election-Day Voter Registration. We are so grateful to the diverse group of 64 House members–both Democrats and Republicans– who we are ready to work with to restore Election-Day Voter Registration via the conference committee.



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