بيان صحفي

حظر الأسلحة في مراكز الاقتراع يعني أن "الناخبين يستطيعون الإدلاء بأصواتهم دون خوف"

أصدرت لجنة مؤتمر الميزانية بمجلسي النواب والشيوخ يوم الأربعاء مشروع قانون تسوية لتحسين سلامة الأسلحة في ماساتشوستس.

Amidst political violence, Mass. passes gun restrictions

بوسطن — On Wednesday, the House and Senate budget conference committee released a compromise bill to improve gun safety in Massachusetts. The bill contains a critical ban on guns at and around polling sites and government buildings, both on election day and during the early voting period.

“At a time with heightened fear of political violence, the Massachusetts Legislature is sending a clear message that voters can cast a ballot without fear in the Bay State,” said جيف فوستر، المدير التنفيذي لمؤسسة Common Cause في ماساتشوستس. “Our 20,000 members across Massachusetts send our thanks to Representative Day and Senator Creem and their staff who worked hard to ensure a ban on guns in and around polling locations was included in the final bill which we hope will be signed into law soon.”

See the full bill text هنا.




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