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Voting & Elections 03.24.2020

Wicked Local Norwood: Massachusetts allows delay of local elections

"Yesterday’s bill is a strong first step. However, there is no guarantee that the coronavirus crisis will have receded by September 1, when Massachusetts state primaries are scheduled, or even for the November elections,” a press release attributed to seven voting rights groups read.“

Voting & Elections 03.24.2020

Voting Rights Advocates Applaud Emergency Election Legislation; Call for Additional Actions

“Yesterday's bill is a strong first step. However, there is no guarantee that the coronavirus crisis will have receded by September 1, when Massachusetts state primaries are scheduled, or even for the November elections,” the groups said. “The Election Modernization Coalition urges the Legislature to recognize that this crisis is of indeterminate length, and that we must also act quickly to ensure that the fall’s elections take place as scheduled, maximize participation, and maintain public health.

Voting & Elections 03.19.2020

MassLive: Coronavirus: Massachusetts lawmakers plan to postpone March special elections

Advocates say the coronavirus outbreak could make it difficult for some people to keep their voter registrations up to date.

Voting & Elections 03.19.2020

The Boston Globe: Remote meetings. Shuttered offices. Amid outbreak, some fear government is receding from view

“People need to have confidence their government is moving forward, and providing public access is still a requirement under the new order. It’s now more important than ever,” said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a government watchdog group.

Voting & Elections 03.19.2020

BREAKING: Elections Advocates Call for Protecting Public Health and the Integrity of Elections in Massachusetts

The Election Modernization Coalition urges officials in Massachusetts to act quickly to adopt reforms that will protect the right to vote in the midst of a crisis of indeterminate duration where public health officials recommend that people remain in their homes as much as possible, practice social distancing, and limit gatherings to less than 10 people.

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