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Voting & Elections 01.2.2024

House Approves Paid Time Off For Election Day Voting

"I'm glad to see the Legislature acting on this — it's really important we continue to modernize our elections and address barriers."

Voting & Elections 01.2.2024

Maryland wrestles with large share of General Assembly members who get the job by appointment

“The General Assembly can’t continue to allow a handful of individuals to speak on behalf of thousands of voters,” said Joanne Antoine, the executive director of Common Cause Maryland. “Letting another legislative session pass with no action continues to diminish the voice of the voters.”

Voting & Elections 12.15.2023

House Approves Paid Time Off For Election Day Voting

Executive director Geoff Foster on the House's passage of a bill to allow employees to take paid time off on election day to cast their ballots in person.

Voting & Elections 11.27.2023

Telegram and Gazette: Lowering voting age bolsters democracy, civic engagement in Mass.

"As we give young folks a pat on the back for their impressive rate of civic engagement, we should also enact policies that encourage them to get involved earlier and stay engaged."

Voting & Elections 11.20.2023

MA groups push same-day voter registration to replace provisional ballots

Public News Service on the Election Modernization Coalition's provisional ballot memo.

Voting & Elections 11.6.2023

Por qué Massachusetts necesita el registro de votantes del mismo día: detalles

El Planeta publica un memo de la Coalición para la Modernización de las Elecciones de Massachusetts sobre boletas provisionales.

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