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Voting Rights

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Voting & Elections 09.23.2020

Advocates Applaud Online Ballot Application Portal

For the first time in Massachusetts history, registered voters can apply for a mail ballot online through the Secretary of Commonwealth’s website.  

Voting & Elections 08.13.2020

130+ Member Organizations of the Safe Elections Network Launch Online Platform to Educate and Involve Voters in Fall Elections

Voting & Elections 07.13.2020

BREAKING: Minority Voters and Voting Rights Advocates Sue Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin Over Refusal to Send Mail-In Ballot Applications

Voting & Elections 06.4.2020

Standing in Solidarity for Anti-Racism and Black Lives Matter

I ask you to support the protests and movement for Black Lives by donating to the following organizations, and to reading and sharing the resources below. If your health allows, I also encourage you to protest.

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