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Voting & Elections 03.3.2015

The Importance of the Initiative: A Massachusetts Fair Districts Success Story

A review of the Massachusetts history with fair redistricting and how the ballot initiative was key in our success.

Money & Influence 02.25.2015

Why Corporations Need to be Treated Differently

Four reasons why corporations need to be treated differently, and the ban on direct corporate contributions to candidates in Massachusetts should stay.

Money & Influence 02.24.2015

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit against Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance

4 Times Massachusetts Public Records Law Failed

4 Times Massachusetts Public Records Law Failed, and why we need reform in the bay state.

Massachusetts is buried under more than snow

Massachusetts is buried. Buried in snow and buried beneath red tape that blocks access to our government. We need 21st century public records reform.

Ethics 01.30.2015

Common Cause Statement on Removal of Term Limits for Massachusetts House Speaker

Common Cause Statement on Removal of Term Limits for Massachusetts House Speaker

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