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Five Things You Should Do Before Election Day

Election Day is less than one month away. Here are five things you should do between now and November 3.

Voting & Elections 06.4.2020

Standing in Solidarity for Anti-Racism and Black Lives Matter

I ask you to support the protests and movement for Black Lives by donating to the following organizations, and to reading and sharing the resources below. If your health allows, I also encourage you to protest.

Voting & Elections 11.19.2019

Leveraging the Laboratories of Democracy

Our system of federalism has allowed states to implement policies that exacerbate inequality and hold our democracy back. But it also allows states to introduce and test innovative policies that could move us forward as a nation.

Voting & Elections 07.2.2019

Beyond the Ballot Box: How Election Day Registration Strengthens Our Democracy

Massachusetts’ 20-day registration deadline is an unnecessary barrier to political participation. It exacerbates inequality and suppresses the kind of participatory and representative democracy that we have long talked about in the Commonwealth, but that has never actualized. Now, it is time we remove this dated deadline.


Reflecting on My Summer Internship at Common Cause

Our intern Natalie looks back at her time with Common Cause Massachusetts as her summer in Boston comes to a close.

Voting & Elections 08.10.2018

Why Massachusetts Has “One of the Strongest Automatic Voter Registration Bills in the Country”

With Automatic Voter Registration, states’ elections are becoming more accessible, inclusive, and secure. However, there are some differences between the specific registration procedures and policies of each state with AVR.

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