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Voting & Elections 07.31.2018

How Secure Are Elections in Massachusetts?

As even more evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election emerges, policymakers and citizens across the country are turning their attention to election security in preparation for this year’s midterm elections.

Voting & Elections 07.20.2018

Voting is a Right, not a Privilege: What The Lowell Sun’s Editorial Gets Wrong

It’s no secret that our democracy works best when everybody has a voice, and AVR is a key tool for encouraging participation in the electoral process, as well as a way to safeguard our elections.


Reform the Right Way: Efforts to Overturn Citizens United

Through continued persistence, we are moving closer to repealing the Citizens United decision and ensuring that government is truly of and for the people, not the donors.

Voting & Elections 06.20.2018

The Latest Updates on Automatic Voter Registration

Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) is gaining serious ground in Massachusetts.

Voting & Elections 11.15.2017

Coalition Pushes Lawmakers to Adopt Automatic Voter Registration

On November 9th, members of the Election Modernization Coalition gathered outside of the State House to push for Automatic Voter Registration.

Voting & Elections 07.19.2017

Though the Eyes of an Intern: Letters to the Editor

Common Cause Massachusetts intern Emily Granoff is back with the second installment of "Through the Eyes of an Intern" to talk about our Letter to the Editor campaign for AVR!

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