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Voting & Elections 07.6.2017

Though the Eyes of an Intern: Automatic Voter Registration Lobby Day

Common Cause Massachusetts intern Emily Granoff discusses Automatic Voter Registration lobby day in the first installment of our new blog series "Through the Eyes of an Intern."

Money & Influence 06.23.2016

NEW REPORT: Shining a Light, Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law

Check out the new Common Cause Massachusetts Report - Shining a Light: Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law

Voting & Elections 05.31.2016

Secretary Galvin Must Release His Early Voting Regulations Right Away

Secretary of State William Galvin's office has now promised the release of his guidelines on early voting, and failed to deliver them on time, for far too long. Here's a look back at where we're at and what this means for the first year of early voting in Massachusetts.

Money & Influence 05.20.2016

From the Globe: Bill Pushed by Common Cause Would Rein in state GOP Fundraisng

Check out the Boston Globe's coverage of our work to preserve the integrity of Massachusetts campaign finance law and close the fundraising loophole being used by Governor Baker and the state GOP.


Statement on Boston City Council Four Year Terms

Statement by Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, on Boston City Council Four Year Terms.

Money & Influence 05.4.2016

Statement on Governor Baker PAC Fundraising

Statement of Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, in response to the May 1st, 2016 Boston Globe article “Top donors could gain more access to Baker, officials.”

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