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Money & Influence 03.24.2016

Boston Globe headline draws wrong lesson from 2016

A recent Boston Globe headline misses the full extent of the big money problem in our elections.

Celebrate Sunshine Week by Shining a Light on Massachusetts Government!

Celebrate Sunshine Week by Shining a Light on Massachusetts Government! Join us in making a powerful call for strong final public records reform.

Voting & Elections 01.11.2016

The Massachusetts legislature is back for 2016.

The Massachusetts state legislature has returned for 2016, and these are three issues Common Cause is working to get action on.

Voting & Elections 01.8.2016

Election Modernization Coalition Launches Early Voting Training Program

Press Release from the Massachusetts Election Modernization Coalition on the Launch of their Early Voting Challenge Training Program

Massachusetts receives another F for public access to information

Massachusetts receives another F for public access to information in the 2015 State Integrity Report. The time for public records reform is now!

A Bill to INCREASE Police Secrecy? No Way!

A Massachusetts State Representative has introduced a bill on designed to erect further barriers to the public access of information. This is exactly the opposite of what we need.

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