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Voting & Elections 10.9.2015

Voting Rights Act 50th Anniversary Event in Boston

Come mark the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act in Boston with a panel featuring nationally renowned experts discussing the current state of the VRA, ongoing litigation, and advocacy efforts to restore its protections to all citizens.

No more delays on public records reform!

We have waited long enough in Massachusetts for public records reform. It is time for the legislature to vote!


CCMA Executive Director Pam Wilmot in Northeastern University Law Schools's Summer 2015 Magazine

CCMA Executive Director Pam Wilmot in Northeastern University Law Schools's Summer 2015 Magazine

Public Records Round Up

A round up of media editorials and articles supporting public records reform in Massachusetts after the release of the consolidated bill H. 3665

Fast Facts on Public Records Reform - #5

Fifth post in a 5-part blog series on 21st century public records reform in Massachusetts.

Fast Facts on Public Records Reform - #4

Fourth post in a 5-part blog series on 21st century public records reform in Massachusetts.

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