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How generative AI poses a threat to democracy

Disinformation created using generative AI technology has become a significant threat to our elections. Massachusetts’ leaders must act.

Money & Influence 08.7.2023

Foreign-influenced political spending is a threat to our democracy

What Massachusetts lawmakers can do to protect our elections from foreign influences.


Vote by mail, early voting, jail-based voting are here to stay!

Voting & Elections 03.30.2021

The VOTES Act Unpacked: Mail-In Voting

Over the coming weeks, we will break down the VOTES Act and do a deep dive to each reform this omnibus election bill includes. We’re kicking things off this week by taking a deeper dive into mail-in voting.

Voting & Elections 11.23.2020

Election Protection 2020: Preliminary Report

This brief details the 2020 Election Protection Program in Massachusetts, and those primary issues that arose on Election Day.

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