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Massachusetts House embraces hybrid hearings for joint standing committees

ACLU, πρόσκληση κοινής αιτίας για σύγχρονη ανοιχτή πρόσβαση σε συναντήσεις για όλους

The Massachusetts House today passed a new joint hybrid hearing rule, requiring “all hearings of joint standing committees shall be conducted in-person with the option of remote participation available to both members of the joint standing committee and the public.”

Η ACLU της Μασαχουσέτης και η Common Cause Massachusetts εξέδωσε την ακόλουθη κοινή δήλωση ως απάντηση:

“We applaud this House vote and we look forward to seeing the Senate do the same. This hybrid hearing rule reflects great leadership: In many communities across the state, remote and hybrid meetings significantly and equitably increase public participation in local government. We appreciate Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka’s continued commitment to ensuring greater public access to and participation with the legislative process. It’s time for permanent reform that embraces hybrid meeting practices, expanding transparency and participation for the public and officials alike.”

For more information about Πράξη για τον εκσυγχρονισμό της συμμετοχής στις δημόσιες συναντήσεις (HD3261/SD2017), μεταβείτε στη διεύθυνση: https://www.aclum.org/sites/default/files/an_act_to_modernize_participation_in_public_meetings_w_logo_and_link.pdf



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