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El registro de votantes el mismo día es la propuesta de reforma electoral más popular en Massachusetts

La Coalición de Modernización Electoral aplaude el resultado de una encuesta de UMass Amherst publicada hoy que muestra que el 65% de los votantes registrados en Massachusetts apoyan el registro de votantes el mismo día.

The Election Modernization Coalition applaud the finding of a UMass Amherst poll released today showing that 65% of registered voters in Massachusetts support Same Day Voter Registration. The poll suggests that Same Day Registration is the single most popular election reform proposal being considered by the legislature. The Coalition is pleased to see that 64% of registered voters also support permanent vote by mail. 

Massachusetts voters are giving a clear sign to the legislature that now is the time to make our democracy stronger by passing the VOTES Act, legislation that includes Same Day Voter Registration, vote by mail, expanded early voting, jail-based voting, and other critical reforms. The bill, which passed the Senate in October and is pending in the House Committee on Ways and Means,  has 83 cosponsors in the House and earned early support from the Joint Committee on Election Laws. 

The Election Modernization Coalition is made up of the ACLU of Massachusetts, Common Cause MA, Lawyers for Civil Rights, League of Women Voters of Massachusetts , Massachusetts  Voter Table, MASSPIRG, and MassVOTE. 


UMass Amherst Poll: 



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