Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Massachusetts célèbre la décision de la Cour d'appel dans l'affaire Moran c. Commonwealth

« Nous espérons que cette décision marquera la fin des efforts partisans visant à annuler les résultats des élections de 2020. Les électeurs du Massachusetts méritent d’avoir confiance dans le fait que nos choix électoraux seront respectés, même par les candidats perdants. Nous apprécions que la Cour d’appel ait confirmé la décision du tribunal de première instance. » 

Today, the Massachusetts Appeals Court upheld a lower court ruling in Moran v. Commonwealth, rejecting a case brought by Republican candidates who lost in the 2020 Massachusetts general election, claiming that ballots cast early and by mail somehow violated the state constitution and should not be counted.   

See the full decision ici.

“We hope that this decision marks the end of the partisan-led effort to overturn the 2020 election results,” said Geoff Foster, directeur exécutif de Common Cause Massachusetts. “Massachusetts voters deserve to have confidence that our election choices will be honored – even by losing candidates. We appreciate that the Appeals Court has upheld the lower court’s decision.” 

The Appeals Court affirmed the decision in Moran v. Commonwealth on the grounds of mootness as the 2020 election ended long ago and the temporary no-excuse vote-by-mail law has since expired. 

“This lawsuit attempted to disenfranchise more than 1.5 million Massachusetts voters who used early and mail ballots to vote in the 2020 election,” Foster said. “That’s simply inexcusable. Our ‘government by the people’ depends on people being able to cast our ballots and have them counted. The idea that cast ballots could be tossed out after-the-fact should be offensive to every voter in the Commonwealth.”

The Massachusetts House and Senate have both voted to make no-excuse mail voting permanent in Massachusetts and many legal experts agree that the Massachusetts Constitution permits the legislature to do so. 

Common Cause Massachusetts submitted a legal memo on the constitutionality of no-excuse mail voting to the Joint Committee on Election Laws in 2021. That memo can be found ici



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