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कॉमन कॉज मैसाचुसेट्स ने 2024 चुनाव संरक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

कॉमन कॉज मैसाचुसेट्स ने 2024 चुनाव संरक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया

"हालांकि मतदाताओं में उत्साह बहुत अधिक है, हम यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहते हैं कि सभी मतदाता अपने अधिकारों को जानें और चुनाव के दिन स्वतंत्र रूप से मतदान कर सकें।"

मीडिया संपर्क

ज्योफ फोस्टर

कार्यकारी निदेशक

डेरा सिल्वेस्ट्रे

क्षेत्रीय संचार रणनीतिकार


189 परिणाम

के माध्यम से

फ़िल्टर रीसेट करें

बंद करना


189 परिणाम

के माध्यम से

फ़िल्टर रीसेट करें

Advocates Applaud Steps Taken to Ensure Ballot Access for Eligible Incarcerated Voters; Say Steps Taken This Week Alone Highlight Need for Reform

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

Advocates Applaud Steps Taken to Ensure Ballot Access for Eligible Incarcerated Voters; Say Steps Taken This Week Alone Highlight Need for Reform

Massachusetts needs a statewide system to ensure that all eligible incarcerated voters are able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.

Statewide Coalition Applauds Swift Action from Secretary of Commonwealth on Protecting Ballot Access for Incarcerated Citizens

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

Statewide Coalition Applauds Swift Action from Secretary of Commonwealth on Protecting Ballot Access for Incarcerated Citizens

The Election Protection Behind Bars Coalition commended Secretary of the Commonwealth Bill Galvin today for issuing guidance to elections officials on ballot access for incarcerated voters.

54 Organizations urge Massachusetts Secretary of State to Ensure ALL Eligible Voters Can Cast Ballots

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

54 Organizations urge Massachusetts Secretary of State to Ensure ALL Eligible Voters Can Cast Ballots

Over 50 organizations urged Secretary of State William Galvin to protect the right to vote for eligible voters who are incarcerated in Massachusetts. Their letter describes a system of de-facto disenfranchisement in which eligible voters are functionally barred from participating in elections. “That these citizens have access to the ballot is a fundamental democracy issue,” the letter states. “The right to vote maintained on paper must not be denied in practice to thousands of citizens.”

Advocates Applaud Online Ballot Application Portal

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

Advocates Applaud Online Ballot Application Portal

For the first time in Massachusetts history, registered voters can apply for a mail ballot online through the Secretary of Commonwealth’s website.  

बंद करना

बंद करना

नमस्ते! ऐसा लगता है कि आप {राज्य} से हमारे साथ जुड़ रहे हैं।

क्या आप देखना चाहते हैं कि आपके राज्य में क्या हो रहा है?

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