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Common Cause Massachusetts, 2024년 선거 보호 프로그램 시작

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Common Cause Massachusetts, 2024년 선거 보호 프로그램 시작

"유권자들의 열정이 높은 동안, 우리는 모든 유권자가 자신의 권리를 알고 선거일에 자유롭게 투표할 수 있도록 하기를 원합니다."

미디어 연락처

제프 포스터


데라 실베스트르

지역 커뮤니케이션 전략가


189개 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정



189개 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

VOTES Act Virtual Lobby Day Draws Hundreds

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VOTES Act Virtual Lobby Day Draws Hundreds

Advocates on the call had pre-arranged Zoom calls and phone calls with their representatives and senators while others did phone-banking in break-out groups. The message was clear: the VOTES Act needs a swift public hearing and passage to guarantee access, equity, and security for the fall elections.

Legislative Briefing Informs Lawmakers of VOTES Act Benefits

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Legislative Briefing Informs Lawmakers of VOTES Act Benefits

Advocates and legislators pointed out that the VOTES Act, if passed, would not only make the previous temporary changes permanent, it would strengthen Massachusetts’ elections system in other ways. 

옹호자들이 선거 개혁 연장에 대한 입법부와 주지사에게 감사를 표하다

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옹호자들이 선거 개혁 연장에 대한 입법부와 주지사에게 감사를 표하다

선거 현대화 연합은 양당 합의를 거쳐 가을 선거 개혁안을 6월까지 연장하는 법안을 통과시킨 의회 의원들과 서명하신 베이커 주지사께 감사드립니다.
유권자들에게 효과가 있었던 개혁을 영구적으로 만드는 것은 보다 포용적이고, 접근 가능하며, 안전한 민주주의를 구축하기 위한 분명한 다음 단계이며, 우리는 하원과 상원 지도부의 지원에 깊이 감사드립니다. 

New Legislation Will Increase Voter Participation

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New Legislation Will Increase Voter Participation

Sen. Cindy Creem and Rep. John Lawn have filed legislation that the Election Modernization Coalition heralded as the most comprehensive next step for Massachusetts elections.

Statewide Advocacy Coalition Requests Senate President and House Speaker to Ensure Representative Redistricting Committee

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Statewide Advocacy Coalition Requests Senate President and House Speaker to Ensure Representative Redistricting Committee

The Massachusetts Drawing Democracy Coalition is urging Senate President Spilka and House Speaker Mariano to appoint Joint Committee on Redistricting members who reflect the racial and geographic diversity of Massachusetts. 

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts honors Pam Wilmot with the ‘Lucy Stone Lifetime Achievement Award’

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League of Women Voters of Massachusetts honors Pam Wilmot with the ‘Lucy Stone Lifetime Achievement Award’

"Working for Common Cause and our mission of promoting open, accountable government and free and fair elections allows me to affect every other issue I care about, because we won’t have good solutions to the problems that plague our state or nation until all government decisions are made on the merits and in the public interest.”

Geoff Foster Joins Common Cause Massachusetts as Executive Director

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Geoff Foster Joins Common Cause Massachusetts as Executive Director

Common Cause Massachusetts has chosen Geoff Foster as its new Executive Director. Foster, a resident of Lowell, brings more than a decade of policy and advocacy experience with UTEC, Inc., where he established statewide programs for youth civic engagement and voter activation.

Massachusetts Elections Were a Success — Advocates Applaud Election Officials

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Massachusetts Elections Were a Success — Advocates Applaud Election Officials

In the midst of a global pandemic, voters in Massachusetts set a record for the highest turnout election cycle in history,  and they were able to do so in a safe, secure, and accessible election. The Election Modernization Coalition thanks and applauds legislators and election officials across the Commonwealth for working tirelessly to ensure that Bay Staters could make their voice heard. 


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