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Voting & Elections 03.19.2020

Elections Advocates Call for Protecting Public Health and the Integrity of Elections in Massachusetts

The Election Modernization Coalition urges officials in Massachusetts to act quickly to adopt reforms that will protect the right to vote in the midst of a crisis of indeterminate duration where public health officials recommend that people remain in their homes as much as possible, practice social distancing, and limit gatherings to less than 10 people. 


Reject the Coverup Rally – Jesse Littlewood, Vice President of Campaigns

We rallied on the night of February 5, 2020, when Senate Republicans refused to remove Trump from office. We rallied because a Senate trial without witnesses is not a trial, but a cover-up and because the evidence is clear that Trump put his personal political interests over our constitution and his oath of office. Jesse Littlewood, Vice President of States kicked off the night. Said Littlewood, "Here in Boston and in solidarity with 280 sister events across 46 states we are saying, with one voice: WE REJECT THE COVER UP."


February 5, 2020 - Rally in the Boston Common

We rallied on the night of Trump's acquittal in the Senate because a trial without witnesses is not a trial, but a cover-up and because the evidence is clear that Trump put his personal political interests over our constitution. Says Kristina Mensik, our Assistant Director at Common Cause Massachusetts, we must "continue to build a movement that will fight for fair and secure elections, commonsense ethics rules, limits on the influence of big campaign donors, and other reforms to make sure this never happens again."

Voting & Elections 01.28.2020

Election Modernization Coalition Releases Statement on before February 5th Deadline on Election Day Registration

Press Release from the Election Modernization Coalition from the January 28th Lobby Day for Election Modernization bills to be sent out of committee.


Election Modernization Coalition Releases Statement on Election Day Registration Hearing

Press Release from Massachusetts Election Modernization Coalition from June 20th on the Election Day Registration hearing and legislation.


Election Modernization Coalition Press Release on Election Day Registration Lobby Day

Voting rights activists from around the Commonwealth gathered at the State House to voice their support at the Election Modernization Coalition’s Election Day Registration lobby day on Wednesday, June 5th.

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