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Alliance Lauds AG’s Enforcement of Public Records Law as Important First Step

MassFOIA Press Release on Mass AG Enforcement of Public Records Law for First Time in Five Years

Outpouring of support in favor of Mass. Public Records Modernization Bills

Common Cause Massachusetts press release on May 26th, 2015 hearing on public records reform

Money & Influence 04.2.2015

Advocates Rally for Executive Order on Disclosure

Press Release from Common Cause MA upon the event of April 2nd, 2015 rally for campaign finance reform and petition to President Obama for executive order on disclosure of political spending by federal contractors.

Voting & Elections 03.26.2015

In Defense of Early Voting

Common Cause Massachusetts response to Boston Globe column by Jeff Jacoby on drawbacks early voting

Alliance Urges Passage of Mass. Public Records Modernization Bill

Common Cause Massachusetts press release with allies on 2015 Sunshine Week, making call for 21st century public records reform.

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Withholding of Police Records

Brief Common Cause Massachusetts statement on Boston Globe article that details public records failure through withholding of police records.

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