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Voting & Elections 01.23.2020

The Daily Free Press: Mass. bill could give cities freedom to lower voting age

Kristina Mensik, assistant director of nonprofit election advocacy group Common Cause Massachusetts, said with the current voting age at 18, many citizens gain their suffrage just as they are moving out of their home. . .


Boston.com: See the signs calling for Trump’s impeachment at the Boston Common rally Tuesday night

"There is a lot of fear about what a president going unchecked could mean for the future of our democracy and what standard that could set for sitting presidents,” Kristina Mensik, assistant director at Common Cause Massachusetts, the nonpartisan, grassroots organization that was a lead organizer of Tuesday’s rally, told Boston.com before the event.

Boston.com: An ‘Impeach & Remove Rally’ will be held on Boston Common Tuesday night. This is what’s happening.

“There is a lot of fear about what a president going unchecked could mean for the future of our democracy and what standard that could set for sitting presidents,” Kristina Mensik, assistant director at Common Cause Massachusetts — the nonpartisan, grassroots organization that’s a lead organizer of Tuesday’s rally — told Boston.com.


WCVB Boston: Hundreds rally on Boston Common in support of impeachment

"This is not a partisan act. This is a patriotic act," said Pam Wilmot, the executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. "It's something that we cannot let slide because if we let this president do it, then the next one might be in the same position.


NBC Boston: Pro-Impeachment Protests Take Place in US Cities on Eve of Historic House Vote

"We want to demonstrate that people care about this, that the rule of law is important and that our country will not stand for a fake trial and just sweeping this under the rug," Wilmot said. "This is a serious matter. It should not be about politics."


South Coast Today: Baker veto means auto voter registration a go for January 1

Common Cause Massachusetts Executive Director Pam Wilmot, one of the advocates who pushed for Massachusetts to adopt automatic voter registration, said the language Baker vetoed “would tell the Registry of Motor Vehicles to do exactly what the Legislature told them to do in 2018 when they initially passed the law.” Wilmot said the RMV has been pursuing a different opt-out method than envisioned in the original law, and that the delay was necessary because “it will take them some time to change their gears.”

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