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Worcester Telegram: Massachusetts eyes growing list of Election Day registration states

“We need it to protect the fundamental right of democracy for everyone to have their vote counted,” Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, said Wednesday.

Boston Herald: Critics blast closed-door Massachusetts state budget deliberations

Government watchdogs and political figures are calling the House budget process a “charade,” a “joke” and a “scam” after the legislative body finished up four days of deliberations, conducted mostly behind closed doors.

Money & Influence 04.25.2019

WBUR: How OxyContin’s Maker Sought To Influence Mass. Legislators

In Massachusetts, money buys access to legislators, says Pam Wilmot, the executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a nonpartisan democracy group. “It’s an unfortunate part of the political system where I think the public is the ultimately the loser,” Wilmot said.

WBUR: Proposed Mass. Campaign Finance Regulations Could Lower Union Political Contributions

“It's about limits being the same for everyone,” said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. “Public confidence is important, and everybody needs to play by the same rules.”

Money & Influence 04.24.2019

Amid ‘slush fund’ criticism, nearly all legislative caucuses will forgo outside donations

That the Black and Latino Caucus voluntarily identified a donor is encouraging, but the process still should have a formal mechanism for disclosure, said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. “That should be part of the package — having strict disclosure of the source of the funds and the amount so it’s all above board and the public can weigh in if there are any other issues,” Wilmot said. “I think the good news is that the vast majority of caucuses are not going along with raising money from outside groups.”


Boston Herald: Progressive Boston City Council expected as race takes shape

The City Council has emerged as a progressive stronghold in the city and experts predict the body will continue trending leftward in the upcoming municipal election, as more women and candidates of color seek office.

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