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Voting & Elections 03.13.2019

WGBH: Should Massachusetts Change How Residents Vote?

If ever there was a case to be made for election reform, some say you need to look no further than what just happened Tuesday night in Fall River. Mayor Jasiel Correia is facing federal fraud charges, and Tuesday night, he was recalled by voters. But on that very same ballot, he was elected mayor again, essentially succeeding himself. Pam Wilmot is with Common Cause Massachusetts and advocates for electoral reform.

Money & Influence 03.6.2019

Boston Business Journal: Labor, business groups face off over proposed union donation limits

Wilmot submitted a petition to Office of Campaign and Political Finance on Nov. 7, asking the agency to reexamine the “rulemaking concerning political activity by nonprofit entities, groups, organizations and unincorporated associates,” after the Supreme Judicial Court upheld a longstanding ban on campaign donations from businesses. In response, the OCPF drafted the proposed regulation. During the Tuesday hearing on the proposed rule, Wilmot said the draft regulation “was the appropriate thing to do.”


Boston Herald: City Council votes to lengthen own terms

A push to lengthen terms for City Councilors inched forward Wednesday, as the council voted 11-2 to double its term lengths — from two to four years — despite concerns that its effects would further hurt the city’s already dismal voter turnout.

Voting & Elections 02.10.2019

Cape Cod Times: Common Cause leader speaks in Brewster about election reform

In Massachusetts, Common Cause has led campaigns to bring about a host of democratic reforms including online voter registration, automatic voter registration and election security measures to protect against cyber attacks and domestic hacking, the state chapter’s executive director, Pam Wilmot, told a group of 50 Sunday afternoon.

Money & Influence 02.5.2019

Worchester Business Journal: Draft rule would cut union contributions to candidates

"We're definitely pleased that the agency adopted our recommendations with just a few minor tweaks," said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. "We look forward to looking more thoroughly at the details, and the process will continue, but we think it's the right decision based on the statute, the law and good public policy."

MassLive: Groups want to make Massachusetts Legislature more open and transparent

A coalition of open government advocacy groups is recommending major changes to the rules governing Massachusetts' legislative process, in order to make the Legislature more accessible and open to the public. The groups also recommend broadening the state's public records law to apply to the governor's office, the Legislature and the judiciary.

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