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Voting & Elections 11.6.2023

Por qué Massachusetts necesita el registro de votantes del mismo día: detalles

El Planeta publica un memo de la Coalición para la Modernización de las Elecciones de Massachusetts sobre boletas provisionales.

Voting & Elections 10.26.2023

Rejected ballots cited in push for same-day registration

"For backers of the perennial push to authorize same-day registration, the numbers are proof that the state should be doing things differently."

Voting & Elections 10.26.2023

Report: Mass. gets high marks for transparency, inclusiveness on redistricting

The commonwealth got an A-, the highest grade in the nation.

Editorial: What Florida could teach Massachusetts

The Boston Globe editorial board urges improvements to Massachusetts ethics laws on financial disclosures.

The Sun Chronicle editorial: Finally, some good news from Beacon Hill

The Sun Chronicle's editorial team supports efforts to bring transparency to municipal governments.

Media & Democracy 07.28.2023

Massachusetts lawmakers may require hybrid meetings for most public boards

“Public participation in meetings is key."

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