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We're fighting for modern, accurate, and secure elections.

It’s no secret that our democracy works best when every eligible member can participate. That’s why we’re working to improve every step of the electoral process—passing laws that facilitate access to the ballot box, helping voters who have trouble on Election Day, and working with election administrators to ensure our voting systems and machines are safe and reliable.

Voting & Elections Campaigns...

Election Protection

Every Massachusetts voter should be able to cast their ballot fairly and freely on Election Day.

Same Day Registration

Same Day Registration simplifies and modernizes the voting process for every eligible voter.

Take action!

Tell lawmakers to support the Voting ACCESS Act

Building on the success from 2022, the Voting ACCESS Act will remove remaining barriers, protect the right to vote, and further modernize our elections.

Bring Same Day Registration to Massachusetts

In a modern, sustainable democracy, all eligible voters should be able to pass a ballot on Election Day. That's why we're fighting for Same Day Registration.

CoSponsor "No Cost Calls"

Staying in contact with family is one of the most important things for coming home and staying home. Let's keep families together by passing no cost calls this session

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