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Geoff Foster


Dera Silvestre

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189 Resultados


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Voting Rights Groups Call for Urgent Action on HD 5075, a Bill Supported by Over 100 Organizations to Safeguard Fall Elections

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Voting Rights Groups Call for Urgent Action on HD 5075, a Bill Supported by Over 100 Organizations to Safeguard Fall Elections

“We support this bill because it is based on evidence and best practices from other states,” says Pam Wilmot of Common Cause Massachusetts. “It is comprehensive, and includes reforms that consider the needs of voters, but also of local elections officials who no matter what happens will be faced with a surge of absentee ballots and very different elections than in years past. One clear lesson learned from other states is that the necessary reforms will take all the time we have to implement, which is why we urge the Joint Committee on...

MASSLIVE: Autoridades de Massachusetts querem mais opções de votação durante a pandemia do coronavírus, mas não conseguem chegar a um acordo sobre a execução

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MASSLIVE: Autoridades de Massachusetts querem mais opções de votação durante a pandemia do coronavírus, mas não conseguem chegar a um acordo sobre a execução

“Independentemente do que fizermos, veremos um aumento de votação ausente da taxa atual de 3 a 5 por cento para 70, 60, 80, 90 por cento”, disse Pam Wilmot, diretora executiva da Common Cause Massachusetts, que apoia o voto universal pelo correio. “Quando você adiciona o processo de solicitação, é astronômico.”

Commonwealth Magazine: Galvin lays out plan for mail-in voting by request

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Commonwealth Magazine: Galvin lays out plan for mail-in voting by request

“The baseline is the same in the sense that I think all involved…want to ensure that everyone who wants to cast an absentee ballot in the fall are not blocked from doing so by our absentee laws,” said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bill Would Expand Voting Options to Safeguard Massachusetts’ Fall Elections

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bill Would Expand Voting Options to Safeguard Massachusetts’ Fall Elections

“It’s crucial that all voters have the opportunity to have their voices heard in this fall’s elections,” said Common Cause Massachusetts Executive Director Pam Wilmot. “This bill provides more options for voters, so we can all vote safely and securely this fall. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Representatives Lawn and Moran in structuring these solutions and sponsoring the legislation.”

WGBH News: In the COVID-19 Era, How Will Massachusetts Vote?

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WGBH News: In the COVID-19 Era, How Will Massachusetts Vote?

Pam Wilmot, Common Cause MA’s executive director, agrees that the state should mail every voter a ballot, and make physical polling places as safe as possible. In addition, she says, the state’s approach to voter registration needs to be revisited.

WAMC: Members Of Massachusetts House Delegation Push Vote-By-Mail For 2020 Election

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WAMC: Members Of Massachusetts House Delegation Push Vote-By-Mail For 2020 Election

Pam Wilmot, director of Common Cause Massachusetts, said having a vote-by-mail option would not preclude people from voting in person on Election Day.

"If we prepare in advance and have 70-80 percent of our voters voting by mail there is an ability, with expanded early voting especially, to have a slighly different model of in-person voting," Wilmot said.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Financiamento de emergência, provisões para as próximas eleições de MA

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ATUALIZAÇÃO: Financiamento de emergência, provisões para as próximas eleições de MA

"Todos nós temos obrigações com a democracia, mesmo no meio de uma crise de saúde pública, e essa mudança emergencial tornará mais fácil para os eleitores terem suas vozes ouvidas", diz a Diretora Executiva Pam Wilmot. "Mas esse é apenas um primeiro passo... Estamos ansiosos para trabalhar com o Tribunal Geral novamente, em um futuro próximo, para fazer as mudanças necessárias para que todos os eleitores de Massachusetts participem com segurança nas eleições de outono."



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