Redistritamento justo e fim da manipulação eleitoral

Não se deve permitir que os políticos desenhem mapas de votação que os beneficiem. Precisamos criar um sistema justo para que os eleitores escolham seus políticos, e não o contrário.

Every ten years, states redraw their electoral districts to reflect population changes. This process should be about making sure that everyone has a voice in our government, but in some states, it has become a partisan tool to undermine our democracy.

Drawing unfair maps — a process known as gerrymandering — denies communities the representation and resources they deserve. Our work to end gerrymandering includes efforts in the courts, on the ballot, and in the legislature to ensure a just and independent process.

O que estamos fazendo

Fair Districts

Fair Districts

Fair districts stop partisan politicians from manipulating voting maps to keep themselves and their party in power.

Seu apoio financeiro nos ajuda a causar impacto responsabilizar o poder e fortalecer a democracia.


Recursos relacionados

Nacional Relatório

Boletim de Redistritamento Comunitário de Massachusetts


Dan Vicuña

Dan Vicuña

Director of Redistricting and Representation

Alton Wang

Alton Wang

Equal Justice Works Fellow

Sarah Andre

Sarah Andre

Mapping Demography Specialist



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