Proteção Eleitoral

Cada eleitor elegível merece ter voz nas políticas que impactam suas vidas diárias. É por isso que a Common Cause mobiliza voluntários em todo o país para ajudar os eleitores a votar.

The right to vote and have our voices heard is fundamental to our democracy. In defense of this right, Common Cause co-leads the Election Protection Coalition to help Americans across the country navigate the voting process and cast their ballot without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation. Our election protection efforts include:

  • Deploying thousands of on-the-ground volunteers at polling places
  • Recruiting a team of legal experts to staff the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline
  • Monitoring social media for harmful election disinformation

These election protection efforts are a crucial line of defense for voters against suppression tactics, confusing laws, outdated infrastructure, and more. Above all, we inform voters of their rights, help elections officials handle problems in real time, and notify attorneys when the situation warrants legal intervention.  

Seu apoio financeiro nos ajuda a causar impacto responsabilizar o poder e fortalecer a democracia.


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