
Коалиция по защите интересов штата просит президента Сената и спикера Палаты представителей обеспечить представительный комитет по перераспределению избирательных округов

Коалиция за демократию в Массачусетсе призывает президента Сената Спилку и спикера Палаты представителей Мариано назначить членов Объединенного комитета по изменению избирательных округов, которые будут отражать расовое и географическое разнообразие Массачусетса. 

The Joint Redistricting Committee — appointed by President Spilka and Speaker Mariano — will oversee the 2021 redistricting process which will either distort or protect political power of underrepresented communities in the Commonwealth. 

БОСТОН – The Massachusetts Drawing Democracy Coalition has urged Senate President Karen E. Spilka and House Speaker Ronald Mariano to appoint Joint Committee on Redistricting members who reflect the racial and geographic diversity of Massachusetts. 

The coalition underscored that redistricting committee members will oversee a process that has the power to influence who runs for public office, who gets elected, and many policy outcomes over the next ten years. A representative committee, the coalition says, is critical to ensure that the interests and political power of historically underrepresented communities are bolstered, rather than diminished.

The Drawing Democracy Coalition is made up of “community organizations, civil rights lawyers, public policy advocates, data and mapping experts, and political scientists, with the shared goal of partnering [with the Legislature] to ensure that underrepresented communities have the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice who best reflect their needs and interests.” The coalition is also committed to ensuring that members of the public participate in redistricting, and to bolstering civic engagement and oversight of the process in their communities. 

Read the letter to Senate President Spilka and House Speaker Mariano здесь.



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