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Законодатели Массачусетса могут потребовать проведения гибридных заседаний для большинства государственных советов

«Участие общественности в собраниях имеет ключевое значение».

Эта статья первоначально появился in the Patriot Ledger on January 10, 2023 and was written by Kinga Borondy.  

Massachusetts legislators heard from members and proponents of several filed bills that would require nearly all governmental bodies to meet in hybrid form.

The bill is backed by the ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston Center for Independent Living, Common Cause Massachusetts, Disability Law Center, League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, MASSPIRG, New England First Amendment Coalition and New England Newspaper & Press Association. [Justin] Silverman said the First Amendment organization saw the handwriting on the wall pre-pandemic. “We knew it was in the future, saw the technology was there.”

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