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Common Cause Massachusetts запускает программу защиты выборов 2024 года


Common Cause Massachusetts запускает программу защиты выборов 2024 года

«Несмотря на высокий уровень энтузиазма избирателей, мы хотим убедиться, что все избиратели знают свои права и смогут свободно проголосовать в день выборов».

Контакты для СМИ

Джефф Фостер

Исполнительный директор

Дера Сильвестр

Региональный стратег по коммуникациям


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189 Результатов


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The Boston Globe: Baker vetoes automatic voter registration parts of supplemental budget

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The Boston Globe: Baker vetoes automatic voter registration parts of supplemental budget

The 2018 law calls for a simpler system than the one that is currently being implemented, she said. The section vetoed by Baker “essentially tells the RMV to do what the Legislature passed in 2018,” said Wilmot. The language that has been tested for automatic voter registration at the RMV has been confusing, said Wilmot.

The Salem News: Galvin faulted for violating conflict of interest laws

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The Salem News: Galvin faulted for violating conflict of interest laws

Good government groups say a lack of clear policies on conflict of interest involving election officials in Massachusetts means the lines between voter information and campaign activity is often blurred.

"The Ethics Commission has ducked this issue for many years," said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause of Massachusetts. "So in this case a slap on the hand is better than turning the other way, which is what has happened for a very long time."

Conservative group goes to court to fight disclosure rules

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Conservative group goes to court to fight disclosure rules

Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause of Massachusetts, said any spending on behalf or in opposition to a political candidate should be disclosed to the public.

Watchdogs: Massachusetts flunks when it comes to open records

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Watchdogs: Massachusetts flunks when it comes to open records

“Transparency is really how we hold our government accountable, and it’s really most important to know how our money is being spent, and how the government laws are applied to individuals.”

Lowell Sun: Advocates push same-day registration, vote

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Lowell Sun: Advocates push same-day registration, vote

"We need it to protect the fundamental right of democracy for everyone to have their vote counted," Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, said Wednesday.

Коалиция за модернизацию выборов опубликовала заявление по поводу слушаний по регистрации в день выборов


Коалиция за модернизацию выборов опубликовала заявление по поводу слушаний по регистрации в день выборов

Пресс-релиз Коалиции по модернизации выборов Массачусетса от 20 июня о слушаниях по регистрации в день выборов и законодательстве.

Boston Globe: Гэлвин и Хили выступают за регистрацию в тот же день на Бикон-Хилл

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Boston Globe: Гэлвин и Хили выступают за регистрацию в тот же день на Бикон-Хилл

Менее чем через год после того, как штат одобрил автоматическую регистрацию избирателей, некоторые законодатели Бикон-Хилла выступают за то, чтобы разрешить имеющим право голоса жителям регистрироваться и голосовать в день выборов. По их словам, это изменение станет «последним шагом» на пути к тому, чтобы все, кто может голосовать, могли получить доступ к избирательным урнам.

Boston Herald: Critics blast closed-door Massachusetts state budget deliberations

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Boston Herald: Critics blast closed-door Massachusetts state budget deliberations

Government watchdogs and political figures are calling the House budget process a “charade,” a “joke” and a “scam” after the legislative body finished up four days of deliberations, conducted mostly behind closed doors.

WBUR: How OxyContin’s Maker Sought To Influence Mass. Legislators

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WBUR: How OxyContin’s Maker Sought To Influence Mass. Legislators

In Massachusetts, money buys access to legislators, says Pam Wilmot, the executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a nonpartisan democracy group. “It’s an unfortunate part of the political system where I think the public is the ultimately the loser,” Wilmot said.



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