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Funds Aim to Support Municipalities With Expanded Mail Voting

Common Cause of Massachusetts executive director Geoff Foster celebrates Governor Maura Healey's budgetary backing of municiple elections.

Bài viết này ban đầu xuất hiện in Public News Service on March 2, 2023 and was written by Kathryn Carley.  

Below is executive director Geoff Foster’s quote included in the article following Governor Maura Healey’s allocation of $5 million in supplementary budget funding toward the support of municipal elecition administration, particularly the implementation of early voting and mail-in voting.

Common Cause of Massachusetts Executive Director Geoff Foster said timing of the governor’s funding could not be better.

“Lack of resources or staff hopefully shouldn’t be the reason why municipalities are opting out of what’s a really valuable expansion to our voting laws,” he said.

Để đọc toàn bộ bài viết, nhấp vào đây. 




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