
马萨诸塞州众议院今日将对 VOTES 法案进行投票

选举现代化联盟敦促众议院议员恢复同日登记制度。该法案首次提出时,就包括同日选民登记制度;84 名众议员(占众议院议员的大多数)作为共同提案人签署了该法案。

Coalition urges House members to restore Same Day Registration

When the Massachusetts House begins debate at 1pm today, it will consider H.4359, the VOTES Act. Livestream of today’s House session will be available 这里.

When the bill was first filed, it included Same Day voter registration; and 84 Representatives, the majority of House members, signed on as cosponsors. The Same Day Registration provisions were stripped from the bill during House Ways and Means Committee review.

Statement of the Massachusetts Election Modernization Coalition

The Election Modernization Coalition is excited that it’s game day for Same Day Registration as the VOTES Act comes to the floor of the House of Representatives. 

Same Day Registration is a key part of the VOTES Act that was stripped out by the House Ways and Means Committee, and several amendments have been filed to restore it

When the VOTES Act comes before the House today, each member will have a choice: to adopt or reject an amendment which provides an essential tool for the Commonwealth’s voters—being able to register to vote on Election Day

Twenty states and the District of Columbia have Same Day Registration, and legislators who vote against it will fumble a crucial opportunity. 

All of us cheering for equity, for access, for modernization and for efficiency in voting will be watching closely to see whether democracy wins or loses today. 


Read yesterday’s Coalition statement on Same Day Registration 这里.



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