
Healey 为扩大支出议程增加了 $7.34 亿美元

选举现代化联盟对州长莫拉·希利 (Maura Healey) 拨款 1400 万美元支持市政选举表示赞赏。

本文 最初出现 in NBC 10 Boston on March 17, 2023 and was written by Sam Drysdale.  

Below is the Election Modernization Coalition’s quote included in the article following Governor Maura Healey’s allocation of $5 million toward municipal election administration.

“We applaud and thank Governor Healey for this important and timely investment in local democracy! Local election officials have the responsibility in the weeks and months ahead to administer municipal elections with new vote by mail and early voting laws. These laws are important expansions to voting rights, and we need to ensure our municipal administrators have the resources they need to be successful. The timing of this funding couldn’t be better,” said the Election Modernization Coalition, which advocated for the funds.

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