David Vance

National Media Strategist


Meet David…

David Vance is the National Media Strategist for Common Cause. He works with staff at the national and state level to generate media to amplify the voice and strategically advance the democracy reform agenda of the national organization and its 35 state offices.

Prior to joining Common Cause in 2016, David spent a decade as the director of communications and research at the Campaign Legal Center, working on campaign finance, voting rights and government ethics issues. During his time there, the media profile of the organization grew exponentially and in 2014 it received a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

David has an extensive background in public relations and journalism. He has served as public affairs director for an international trade association and worked for two public relations firms in Washington, DC where he handled public affairs, public relations and crisis issues both nationally and internationally for a broad range of corporate, association and non-profit clients.

Before entering the public relations field, David worked for several news bureaus in Washington, DC, WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont as well as The Washington Post.

David is a native of Washington, DC and holds an M.S.J. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University.

The Latest From David Vance

DOJ Shirks Antitrust Enforcement Authority, Approves Anticompetitive T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

Press Release

DOJ Shirks Antitrust Enforcement Authority, Approves Anticompetitive T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

Today, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) approved the $26 billion merger of T-Mobile Inc. and Sprint Corporation. As part of the approval, T-Mobile and Sprint have agreed to sell assets to Dish Network including Sprint’s prepaid services, Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile, and new spectrum licenses. Dish will also have the ability to operate on T-Mobile’s network for a seven-year period while it builds out its own network. The proposed merger is still pending approval by the full Federal Communications Commission. Fourteen state...

Common Cause Praises Strong Bipartisan Recommendations of the Senate Intelligence Committee

Press Release

Common Cause Praises Strong Bipartisan Recommendations of the Senate Intelligence Committee

Today, the Select Committee on Intelligence in the United States Senate released its long-awaited report on Russian interference into the 2016 elections in the wake of former special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s warnings yesterday that threats to the nation’s election infrastructure are serious and ongoing. Common Cause hailed the report itself as well as the bipartisan and effective work of the Committee as it addressed the critical and growing threat to our democracy.

Common Cause Calls for Congressional Impeachment Investigation to Counter White House Stonewalling

Press Release

Common Cause Calls for Congressional Impeachment Investigation to Counter White House Stonewalling

Today, Common Cause called on the U.S. House of Representatives to immediately begin an impeachment investigation in response to White House non-cooperation and stonewalling of any attempts to investigate past and current potential criminal conduct or wrongdoing by President Trump or members of his administration. In new a detailed report that will be sent to every member of the House, the nonpartisan government watchdog makes the case, and stresses the need, for the impeachment inquiry. 

DOJ Releases Strong Evidence of Trump’s Campaign Finance Violations But No Explanation of No Charges

Press Release

DOJ Releases Strong Evidence of Trump’s Campaign Finance Violations But No Explanation of No Charges

The evidence released today by the Department of Justice (DOJ) by order of a judge strongly suggests that Donald Trump violated campaign finance laws in the closing weeks of his presidential run in 2016. Previously we had only Michael Cohen’s word that Trump had committed felony campaign finance violations through his direct involvement in hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, but now we have extensive evidence from the DOJ to back it up. We also learned for the first time that 2016 Trump campaign press secretary Hope...

Common Cause Launches Campaign to Get Presidential Candidate on the Record About Democracy Reforms

Press Release

Common Cause Launches Campaign to Get Presidential Candidate on the Record About Democracy Reforms

Today, Common Cause is launching a new effort to ensure voters’ right to know where presidential candidates stand on practical solutions to the challenges facing our democracy. The Our Democracy 2020 campaign will focus getting every presidential candidate in the Democratic and Republican primaries to respond to a 17-question survey and inject the high priority conversation on the need for democracy reform in the presidential campaign. 

Trump Drops Census Citizenship Question But Sharpens His Focus on Discriminating Against Immigrants Through Redistricting 

Press Release

Trump Drops Census Citizenship Question But Sharpens His Focus on Discriminating Against Immigrants Through Redistricting 

Today, after a week of confusion and contradiction in the Trump Administration, the President announced that he will not pursue a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. To protect a fair and accurate Census, the decision to not add the citizenship question is important.  However, in issuing an executive order to government agencies to hand over citizenship data, President Trump is engaging in an abusive power grab. Attorney General Barr reinforced the Administration’s intent to collect citizenship data for the purposes of...

Trump’s Ploy to Rig 2020 Census is Illegal 

Press Release

Trump’s Ploy to Rig 2020 Census is Illegal 

Any action by President Trump to add the citizenship question to the 2020 Census is an illegal, desperate, and ill-fated attempt to further undermine a fair and accurate national headcount. Judges in New York, California, and Maryland, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, have already rejected the Trump administration’s lies about the need for the citizenship question.  

New Common Cause Site Tracks Which Members of Congress Have Actually Read the Mueller Report

Press Release

New Common Cause Site Tracks Which Members of Congress Have Actually Read the Mueller Report

Common Cause is tracking which members of Congress have read, or not read, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential election. The new easily searchable “Will Congress Act?” website (willcongressact.org) allows people to see whether their Members have read the report and contact them to ask that they read it if they have not. 

Trump Administration Again Attempts to Add Racist Citizenship Question to Census

Press Release

Trump Administration Again Attempts to Add Racist Citizenship Question to Census

Now that the Trump Administration’s attempted whitewash of their motives for demanding a citizenship question have been exposed, they are scrambling to contrive a new reason. As the documents of GOP gerrymanderer Thomas Hofeller turned over to attorneys in the Common Cause v. Lewis case show, the purpose of the question has always been to advantage "Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites" in redistricting to the detriment of Latinos and other families of color. Combined with recent statements by ICE officials indicating plans to use census...



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