David Vance

National Media Strategist


Meet David…

David Vance is the National Media Strategist for Common Cause. He works with staff at the national and state level to generate media to amplify the voice and strategically advance the democracy reform agenda of the national organization and its 35 state offices.

Prior to joining Common Cause in 2016, David spent a decade as the director of communications and research at the Campaign Legal Center, working on campaign finance, voting rights and government ethics issues. During his time there, the media profile of the organization grew exponentially and in 2014 it received a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

David has an extensive background in public relations and journalism. He has served as public affairs director for an international trade association and worked for two public relations firms in Washington, DC where he handled public affairs, public relations and crisis issues both nationally and internationally for a broad range of corporate, association and non-profit clients.

Before entering the public relations field, David worked for several news bureaus in Washington, DC, WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont as well as The Washington Post.

David is a native of Washington, DC and holds an M.S.J. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University.

The Latest From David Vance

Public Interest Groups on Court Ruling Clearing Way for FCC to Erode Rules Allowing Further Media Consolidation

Press Release

Public Interest Groups on Court Ruling Clearing Way for FCC to Erode Rules Allowing Further Media Consolidation

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit denied the emergency stay motion filed by public interest groups, including the National Hispanic Media Coalition, Free Press, Common Cause, Media Alliance, and United Church of Christ, OC, Inc., which sought to prevent the Federal Communications Commission from implementing its decision to reinstate the so-called UHF discount. This will allow the FCC to make it easier for the nation’s largest television ownership groups to acquire additional stations, and crowd out diverse and local...

Pennsylvanians Challenge Partisan Gerrymandering of Congressional Districts in New Lawsuit

Press Release

Pennsylvanians Challenge Partisan Gerrymandering of Congressional Districts in New Lawsuit

The Public Interest Law Center filed a lawsuit in state court today on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and individual voters challenging the state’s congressional districts as an illegal partisan gerrymander. League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is one of a series of suits nationwide challenging extreme partisan gerrymanders that have left millions of Americans with no opportunity to elect the candidates of their choice. Plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania suit argue that the...

FCC Nominee Jessica Rosenworcel Should be Confirmed with Dispatch

Press Release

FCC Nominee Jessica Rosenworcel Should be Confirmed with Dispatch

Few people have ever walked through the doors of the Federal Communications Commission with as much knowledge, experience, and good judgement as Jessica Rosenworcel. I know from personal experience that she is among the most capable ever to hold the title of Commissioner, and her return to the Commission could not come at a more propitious time. With the Open Internet, media localism, and diversity all under threat, the public interest has never needed a public interest servant of her caliber so acutely. I urge Congress to confirm her with...

New Camera Restrictions in Capitol Part of Disturbing Trend in Media Harassment

Press Release

New Camera Restrictions in Capitol Part of Disturbing Trend in Media Harassment

Reports that Capitol Police officers may have been directed to obstruct reporter access in Capitol are deeply disturbing. American democracy depends on an adversarial press, but recently press freedom has been under attack as rarely before.

Common Cause Members Demand Congress Name Independent Commission Whether or Not Trump Fires Mueller

Press Release

Common Cause Members Demand Congress Name Independent Commission Whether or Not Trump Fires Mueller

To even float the idea of firing Robert Mueller through conservative media outlets is an affront to the most sacred values of our democracy. Despite what the assemblage of ‘yes men’ surrounding President Trump have told him, James Comey’s testimony not only failed to vindicate the President but raised serious concerns that the President of the United States abused his power in an attempt to stop the investigation. Comey’s testimony raised very serious concerns that Trump made a concerted effort to obstruct justice by...

Constituents Urged Intelligence Committee to Have Jeff Sessions Testify Publicly on Russian Election Interference

Press Release

Constituents Urged Intelligence Committee to Have Jeff Sessions Testify Publicly on Russian Election Interference

Common Cause members were on the phone early today from Maine to Arizona urging their representatives on the Senate Intelligence Committee to have Attorney General Jeff Sessions testify publicly tomorrow on alleged ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and the Administration’s efforts to stifle the investigation of possible collusion. The Committee announced a short time ago that Sessions would testimony publicly.

Ahead of Comey Testimony, Rally Urges Members of Congress to Investigate Trump Campaign Ties to Russia

Press Release

Ahead of Comey Testimony, Rally Urges Members of Congress to Investigate Trump Campaign Ties to Russia

Today, members of 19 national organizations delivered the signatures of more than 4 million people to members of Congress urging a full investigation into President Trump’s campaign ties to Russia. The press conference and petition delivery specifically called on members of Congress to support a discharge petition sponsored by Rep. Eric Swalwell and Rep. Elijah Cummings to create an independent commission to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

Common Cause Urges Speaker Ryan to Enforce Rep. Nunes Recusal from Russia Investigation

Press Release

Common Cause Urges Speaker Ryan to Enforce Rep. Nunes Recusal from Russia Investigation

Today, Common Cause urged Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) to enforce House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes’ recusal from the committee’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Nunes recused himself from the investigation after he was accused of disclosing classified information in an attempt to justify false claims by Donald Trump that the Obama Administration had “wiretapped” Trump Tower. But last week Chairman Nunes ignored his recusal and used his power as committee chair to...



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