
Election Security

We deserve to know that our votes are accurately counted and protected from sophisticated cyber attacks. Common Cause is pushing for reforms that make our elections even more secure.

The integrity of our voting system is important to all of us, and we can always do more to make sure ballots nationwide are counted as cast. The most effective election security solutions include:

  • Retiring old and outdated voting machines and upgrading the technology we use
  • Moving toward using paper ballots in every state
  • Requiring risk-limiting, post-election audits of ballots to confirm that reported election results are accurate
  • Ensuring paper back-ups of our voter registration databases and electronic voter rolls
  • Eliminating the use of online voting

We are working with election officials and administrators at the national, state, and local levels to implement these common sense election security measures to safeguard our elections.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.



Michigan Can Do More in 2024

Press Release

Michigan Can Do More in 2024

Common Cause is encouraging both Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Legislature to continue to prioritize our democracy and safeguard our elections this year.

New Lawsuit Attacks Voter-Approved Election Reforms

Press Release

New Lawsuit Attacks Voter-Approved Election Reforms

LANSING, Mich. — Last night, 11 Michigan GOP lawmakers filed a lawsuit in federal court requesting a declaratory judgment that (1) any ballot initiatives dealing with the “times, places, and manners” of elections violated the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution and (2) to invalidate two citizen-passed constitutional amendments regarding elections. Among the amendments is 2022’s Proposal 2, a voting reform ballot measure.

Quentin Turner
Slender black man with big smile, sleek glasses, a goatee, mustache, and short black hair.

Quentin Turner

Executive Director

Common Cause Michigan


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