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Legislature Shouldn’t Break Without Passing Pro-Democracy Agenda

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Voting & Elections 06.26.2024

Legislature Shouldn’t Break Without Passing Pro-Democracy Agenda

Before legislators head off for summer break, Common Cause Michigan is encouraging lawmakers to see the full pro-democracy agenda passed and heading to the governor’s desk.

With Map Approval, Citizen Process Proves To Be Best Choice for Michigan

We see the value of involving the public in an open redistricting process, instead of private decisions in secret and partisan discussions behind closed doors at the state Capitol.

After Failed Appeal, MICRC Is Best Equipped to Pass New Maps

In response to the U.S. Supreme Court denying the appeal of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, Common Cause Michigan Executive Director Quentin Turner released the following statement:

Michigan Can Do More in 2024

Common Cause is encouraging both Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Legislature to continue to prioritize our democracy and safeguard our elections this year.

Gov. Whitmer Signs Weakened Disclosure Bill into Law

“We’re pleased to see Governor Whitmer sign this long overdue ethics reform into law—but ultimately, the law falls short of voters’ expectations. Despite overwhelming, bi-partisan support for greater transparency from our elected officials, lawmakers weakened the law to shield themselves from public scrutiny."

Voting & Elections 11.30.2023

Michigan Becomes First State to Register People to Vote as They Leave Prison

Today, Michigan became the first state to automatically register people to vote as they leave prison. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law House Bill 4983 requiring Michigan’s secretary of state to coordinate with the Department of Corrections to register people upon their release from prison as part of an expansion of the state’s automatic voter registration (AVR) program.

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