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Federal Appeals Court Upholds Michigan’s Independent Redistricting Commission

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Sixth Circuit Panel Hears Arguments in Attack on Citizen-Led Redistricting


Common Cause Joins Bipartisan Brief in Support of Michigan’s Voter-Approved Nonpartisan Redistricting Commission

Ethics 12.13.2016

Common Cause Michigan Blasts Senate for Failing to Pass Bipartisan FOIA Reform, Despite Flint Water Crisis Revelations

LANSING –– Common Cause Michigan today slammed the State Senate for failing to act this term on a bipartisan package that would strengthen Michigan’s outdated open-records law.

Voting & Elections 12.13.2016

Common Cause Michigan Applauds Senate Decision to Dump Voter Suppression Bills for Lame Duck

Common Cause Michigan today issued the following statement commending the State Senate for deciding not to take up the House’s highly restrictive voter ID bills during this lame duck session.

Voting & Elections 10.26.2014

Report Finds Outdated Michigan Laws Hinder Voter Registration & Citizen Participation

Michigan is clinging to outdated voter registration laws that make it more difficult for citizens to take part in the November 8 election, Common Cause says in a report released today, but the state's use of paper ballots provides assurance that all votes will be counted as cast.

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