
Common Cause Michigan is urging the state to take a critical step forward in protecting our democracy by passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act (MVRA). Discriminatory barriers continue to prevent voters of color, disabled voters, and those whose first language is not English from fully participating in our elections.

The Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder removed key protections for voters, especially in areas with a history of racial discrimination. Unfortunately, those challenges still exist today. In fact, the 2020 election turnout numbers show that while 68.2% of eligible white Michiganders voted, turnout was significantly lower for Black, Latino, and Asian voters.

Why Michigan Needs MVRA

States across the country are moving backwards, imposing restrictive voting laws that disproportionately affect marginalized communities. With Congress failing to restore the federal Voting Rights Act, Michigan must take action to protect its voters. Passing MVRA (Senate Bills 401, 402, 403, and 404) will help eliminate barriers and ensure every citizen’s voice is heard.

The MVRA will also address the lack of language access for voters whose primary language isn’t English, such as Michigan’s large population of Arabic speakers. Additionally, a recent audit revealed that 84% of Metro Detroit polling places are not fully accessible, which is particularly concerning given that 25% of Michigan residents have a disability.

How MVRA Will Protect Voters

The Michigan Voting Rights Act will:

  • Provide new legal tools to challenge discriminatory voting practices in court.
  • Expand language assistance for voters with limited English proficiency.
  • Ensure advance public notice of significant voting changes, allowing citizens to respond.
  • Provide enhanced protections and assistance for voters with disabilities.
  • Establish a central hub for election information to promote transparency and best practices.

A National Leader in Voting Rights

If passed, MVRA will be one of the most comprehensive state-level voting rights laws in the country. Michigan will join the ranks of states like Virginia, New York, and California, solidifying its position as a national leader in protecting the fundamental right to vote.

By passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act, we can take a significant step towards ensuring equal participation in our democracy for all Michiganders.

Take Action

Thank Michigan Senators for Passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act!


Thank Michigan Senators for Passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act!

Thank you for your leadership in passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act (MVRA), a landmark bill that will ensure no Michigander is discriminated against at the ballot box. Your commitment to safeguarding our democracy and protecting the right to vote for all eligible citizens is deeply appreciated.

This legislation marks a significant step forward in making sure every voice is heard in Michigan’s elections, regardless of race, ability, or language barriers.

TELL HOUSE LAWMAKERS: Pass the Michigan Voting Rights Act!

Letter Campaign

TELL HOUSE LAWMAKERS: Pass the Michigan Voting Rights Act!

The Michigan Voting Rights Act (MVRA) has passed the State Senate, bringing us closer to securing voting rights for every Michigander! This victory is a testament to the dedication and advocacy of supporters like you. However, our work isn’t done yet. To make sure this crucial legislation reaches the governor’s desk and becomes law, we need to pass the MVRA in the House. The Michigan Voting Rights Act will: Strengthen legal protections by providing new...

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