

For Election Day Ease, Register to Vote or Check Registration by October 15

Voters can check their registration or register to vote online by Tuesday, October 15. Registration in-person in allowed on election day if needed.

Common Cause Minnesota is reminding voters of the upcoming deadlines for voter registration and encouraging them to check their registrations to make voting easier.

Voters can check their registration or register to vote online by Tuesday, October 15. Registration in-person in allowed on election day if needed.

Early voting in-person or by mail has been ongoing since Sept. 20. After checking your registration, Common Cause Minnesota encourages voters to vote early in-person or make a plan to vote by taking the Me+3 Pledge to get deadline reminders leading up to Election Day.

Common Cause Minnesota is part of the largest nonpartisan election protection program, which runs the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline and website. If you have issues registering to vote or voting early, hotline numbers are active for voters to call or text in the following languages:

ENGLISH: 866-OUR-VOTE 866-687-8683 

SPANISH: 888-VE-Y-VOTA 888-839-8682 

ASIAN LANGUAGES: 888-API-VOTE 888-274-8683 

ARABIC: 844-YALLA-US 844-925-5287 

“With kids getting back to school and families getting back to their after-summer routines, now is the time to check your voter registration, or register to vote for the first time, so you don’t miss out on voting as commitments pile up. Voting is the most powerful way to send our elected officials a message about how we believe they’ve worked for us. We encourage all voters to take advantage of early registration and early voting to make sure nothing will stop their voice from being heard in this critical election,” said Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera, Executive Director of Common Cause Minnesota.

Volunteers Needed for Statewide Nonpartisan Election Program


Volunteers Needed for Statewide Nonpartisan Election Program

Common Cause Minnesota is calling for nonpartisan volunteers to assist voters who may have any trouble casting a ballot in this year’s election, including voting registration, early and absentee mail voting, and any other concerns.

Voting Problems? Receive Nonpartisan Help from our Election Protection Hotline


Voting Problems? Receive Nonpartisan Help from our Election Protection Hotline

Ahead of Tuesday’s primary election, Common Cause Minnesota is reminding voters and the press that voters can receive nonpartisan help if they run into voting problems while early voting, returning their mail ballot or on election day



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