
Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Minnesota se joint à la requête d'amicus curiae pour rétablir le droit de vote

Hier, Common Cause Minnesota s'est joint à la Minnesota Second Chance Coalition et à la League of Women Voters of Minnesota pour demander le dépôt d'un mémoire d'amicus curiae en faveur du rétablissement complet du droit de vote dans l'affaire Schroeder v. Minnesota Secretary of State devant la Cour suprême de l'État. Le mémoire demande à la Cour suprême du Minnesota de déclarer inconstitutionnelle la pratique consistant à priver de leurs droits les membres de la communauté ayant déjà été condamnés pour des crimes graves, soit plus de 55 000 Minnesotans.

Yesterday, Common Cause Minnesota joined the Minnesota Second Chance Coalition and the League of Women Voters of Minnesota in requesting to file an amicus brief to support the full restoration of voting rights in the Schroeder contre le secrétaire d'État du Minnesota case before the State Supreme Court. Last year, the organizations filed an amicus brief with the Minnesota Court of Appeals and have filed again in support as the higher court hears the case. The brief asks the Minnesota Supreme Court to declare the practice of disenfranchising members of the community with prior felony convictions—more than 55,000 Minnesotans—unconstitutional. 

“Depriving tens of thousands of tax-paying Minnesotans of their right to vote is taxation without representation,” said Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera, Executive Director of Common Cause Minnesota. “Minnesota’s racist felony disenfranchisement laws keep Minnesotans, particularly those who belong to communities of color, locked out from the political process, despite maintaining employment and paying taxes. The Minnesota Supreme Court must rule these discriminatory laws unconstitutional so that every person’s right to be heard by our government is protected.”  

Selon The Sentencing Project, Minnesota’s felony disenfranchisement laws deny the right to vote to 55,029 Minnesotans, disproportionately impacting people of color. Of the 55,029 Minnesotans, 17 percent are Black and 6 percent are Latino, despite only representing 7 percent and 5.6 percent of the population respectively.

 To view the brief, Cliquez ici 



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