Fair Redistricting & Ending Gerrymandering
Politicians should not be allowed to draw voting maps that benefit themselves. We need to create a fair system so that voters choose their politicians, not the other way around.
Every ten years, states redraw their electoral districts to reflect population changes. This process should be about making sure that everyone has a voice in our government, but in some states, it has become a partisan tool to undermine our democracy.
Drawing unfair maps — a process known as gerrymandering — denies communities the representation and resources they deserve. Our work to end gerrymandering includes efforts in the courts, on the ballot, and in the legislature to ensure a just and independent process.
What We’re Doing
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Demand Fair Redistricting in Minnesota
Lawmakers have had years to come together and draw maps for the good of our democracy but they continue to pass this responsibility off to the courts, which results in "Least Change" maps. That means that for decades...
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Recent Updates
Blog Post
Minnesota Deserves an Independent Redistricting Committee
Press Release
Redistricting Coalition Urges Clean Process for Important Reform
Press Release
With Us, For Us Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting Announced
Press Release
50 State Report: Minnesota Receives Average Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause
Dan Vicuña
Director of Redistricting and Representation
Alton Wang
Equal Justice Works Fellow
Sarah Andre
Mapping Demography Specialist