

Don’t wait to make your voice heard. Voting is the best way to affect change now

If you need further proof that your vote matters, just think back on recent headlines.

In a few short weeks, Nebraska, and the rest of America, will vote for our next president of the United States.

But that’s not the only contest on the ballot; Nebraska is the only state that will vote on two U.S. Senate races this year. We are also voting on six ballot initiatives, involving paid sick leave, medical marijuana, school funding, and abortion rights.

If you need further proof that your vote matters, just think back on recent headlines.

In the last few weeks, out of state activists and U.S. Senators have come to Nebraska to attempt to change how we award Electoral College votes. Our current system amplifies your voice by allowing each Congressional district to award their popular vote getter their electoral college vote. It’s a system that makes Nebraska unique and allows every Congressional district their own voice.  

Before that, the Attorney General and Secretary of State hatched a plan to block thousands of Nebraskans from regaining the ability to vote that the legislature just returned to them. LB20 was voted on by the people’s representatives, and you should question why the SoS and AG are trying to block implementation.

All of this is happening while campaign spending on legislative races is at all-time record highs.
So clearly, the people who hold power in this state, and elsewhere, think the votes of Nebraskans matter quite a bit.  

Which is why Common Cause Nebraska encourages you to make sure you vote in this election. Your vote is your voice, and it’s the best way to hold power accountable in this state.

If you’re unhappy with your elected officials, the conditions of the roads, the quality of our schools, or the safety of your drinking water, here is your chance to be heard. If you like how things are going, it’s the same opportunity to voice that!

With early voting starting October 25, now is the time to make sure you have identification with a photo on it to vote, a new change for this election. If you have problems obtaining an ID, or casting your ballot, you can feel safe calling or texting 866-OUR-VOTE. It is a hotline run by the national election protection coalition; a group of nonpartisan organizations designed to make sure every voter can easily cast a ballot. The hotline is staffed with experts ready to help solve any issues you have, like how to register to vote or find your polling location. You can text or call the number, or visit

With so many important issues on the ballot, and the chance for Nebraska to have influence in the presidential election, now is the time to make sure your ability to vote is intact. Check your registration, check you have an acceptable ID and plan to vote.

Partners like Common Cause Nebraska and the election protection coalition are here to help. Power is working overtime to get their way – make sure your voice is heard just as loudly as theirs.

Voter Registration, Absentee Ballot Deadlines Upcoming


Voter Registration, Absentee Ballot Deadlines Upcoming

Common Cause Nebraska is reminding voters of the upcoming deadlines for voter registration and absentee mail ballots and encouraging them to check their registrations and request their ballots.

Volunteers Needed for Nonpartisan Election Help Statewide


Volunteers Needed for Nonpartisan Election Help Statewide

Common Cause Nebraska is calling for volunteers to help solve issues voters may have with this year’s election, including voting registration, early and absentee mail voting, and new photo ID requirements.

Answering 6 Important Questions about Nebraska’s New Voter ID Law

Blog Post

Answering 6 Important Questions about Nebraska’s New Voter ID Law

In 2022, Nebraska voters passed a ballot measure that placed voter ID requirements in the state constitution. The amendment gave the unicameral authority to specify the rules for providing ID to vote. As a result, the legislature passed LB514 during the 2023 legislative session, which specifies how Nebraskans present ID before voting. Here are a few answers to questions you may have.



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