قائمة طعام


Common Cause Nebraska believes that our government should serve all the people, not just the wealthy or partisan special interests. We are building a democracy that works for everyone.

Every eligible American should take the responsibility and right to vote seriously. We all want an equal voice in deciding the future for our families, our communities, and our country.


From our founding in 1970 through today, a core principle of Common Cause is that as more eligible Americans participate, our democracy becomes stronger. In 1971, we led the campaign that won the 26th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, allowing 18 year-olds to vote.

In Nebraska, we’ve won reform to publicly fund elections, restore voting rights to voters, secure public access to government records and meetings, as well as easing access to the ballot box. Beyond our position victories, we remain vigilant in our opposition to efforts to make voting more difficult and restrict the access Nebraskans have to their government.

Our Work

For over 40 years, we’ve worked with Nebraskans from every part of our state to create systems that produce equitable outcomes that reflect our diverse communities and our shared values. In that time, we’ve learned that Nebraskans understand the corrupting influence of political spending, opaque backroom deals, and systems rigged against average people. Today, our work involves people across the state, from the Sandhills to the Missouri River and everywhere in-between as we strive to spread knowledge about democracy and engage elected officials. Join us as we hold elected officials accountable and elevate the power of voters.


  • Pushed to make sure Nebraska’s redistricting plan was disclosed before public hearings were held.
  • Helped create the Campaign Finance Limitations Act, Nebraska’s version of public campaign finance.


  • Worked with Senator Ernie Chambers to require state officials to report all gifts over $100 with an estimated value.
  • Held Regent Hergert Accountable for Campaign Finance Violations.
  • Filed the first complaint against Regent David Hergert for violating the CFLA by withholding campaign spending reports during his campaign for University of Nebraska Regent. The complaint led to a $33,000 fine and the impeachment of Regent Hergert.


  • Exposed Legislative Conflicts of Interest: After Speaker Brashear introduced the Broadband Prohibition Bill, Common Cause Nebraska made the legislature and the public aware that Brashear was being paid for legal services by Cox Cable.
  • Supported Public Posting of the Open Meetings Act: Helped to write and pass legislation requiring all public meetings to post the Open Meetings Statutes and publicly identify the location of the statute in the room.
  • Exposed Secret Interviews for Top University Position: Made public the University of Nebraska’s secret interviews in Kansas City for the University President’s position.
  • Revealed Funding Behind Public Service Commission Campaigns: Revealed the fact that Public Service Commissioners were receiving as much as 80% of their campaign funds from utilities they regulate.Exposed Legislators’ Backroom Deals on Gambling Legislation: Identified the 15 senators who spent a long weekend at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas while the legislature was addressing gambling legislation.
  • Stopped Secrecy in Top University Position Search: Led the opposition to the University of Nebraska’s efforts to conduct a secret search for a new president. With the help of the press and the ACLU, we were successful.
  • Online Voter Registration: Helped lead the successful effort to pass on-line voter registration. This historic achievement resulted from the work of a strong coalition.


  • Defended the CFLA before the Nebraska Supreme Court.
  • Revealed the Abuse of Tax Loopholes: Revealed that Senator Rogert had signed papers identifying himself as a “boat dealer” to avoid paying the sales tax on his $40,000 boat.
  • Redistricting Advocacy Wins: The redistricting procedures we recommended were adopted into the rules. Including greater public access and transparency of process.
  • Stopped Secrecy in Top University Position Search: Led the opposition to the University of Nebraska’s efforts to conduct a secret search for a new president. With the help of the press and the ACLU, we were successful.
  • Online Voter Registration: Helped lead the successful effort to pass on-line voter registration. This historic achievement resulted from the work of a strong coalition.
  • Open Meetings Defense: When we realized that many public entities were asking the public to “sign in” at their meetings, our opposition gained the support of the attorney general.
  • Required MECA to follow state open meetings laws: Succeeded in requiring MECA, the multimillion-dollar metropolitan entertainment association, to abide by state open meetings laws.


  • Led the Way on Redistricting Advocacy
  • Led the way in calling for a transparent and fair redistricting process. Our advocacy and coalition-building helped create an outpouring of public interest and improved districts maps in key areas of Omaha and Grand Island.
  • Helped lead the Nebraska Voting Rights Restoration Coalition to overturn the 2-year waiting period before people who’ve served time for felonies can vote.



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