
Blog Post

What’s Ahead for CCNE in 2024

With a new legislative session and major elections just over the horizon, 2024 is sure to be a busy one for Common Cause Nebraska! We'll be weighing in on important issues, fielding an Election Protection program to protect voters' rights, and driving the conversation on campaign finance and redistricting reforms.

As we prepare for 2024, I wanted to recap what we were able to accomplish together this year and share a preview of what we’ll be working on in the year ahead!

Thanks to our supporters, in 2023 we were able to:

  1. Expose the influence of money in politics through our annual Lobby Report,
  2. Ensure that the legislature passed the least restrictive version of voter ID,
  3. Support efforts to give every Nebraskan an equal say in the ballot initiative process, and
  4. Fight to guarantee that everyone working to influence legislators is held to the same standards.

In short, it was a busy year in Nebraska to hold power accountable and ensure democracy serves us all. With next year’s legislative session just on the horizon and important elections not far ahead, 2024 is sure to keep us even busier.

While 2024’s legislature is a short 60 days, it’s sure to be filled with important discussions on matters relevant to Nebraskans’ rights and our representative democracy. During the session, we’ll be working to:

  1. Make voting more accessible for Nebraskans,
  2. Weigh in on issues that impact our democracy, and
  3. Defend against restrictions on the public’s access to the legislature and the initiative process.

We’ll also be building an Election Protection program that will protect the right to vote during 2024’s primary and general elections. This election cycle could be the biggest in Nebraska’s history, with a presidential race and a slate of ballot initiatives that are sure to draw voters to the polls.

We’re recruiting Nebraskans like you to monitor polls on election day and ensure that voters can cast their ballots. With Voter ID required for the first time next year, it will be crucial that we keep a watchful eye on the polls and assist voters when their rights are denied.

Finally, in 2024 we’ll continue driving the conversation around our state’s need for redistricting and campaign finance reforms.

How we pay for running for office and draw voting districts play big roles in determining the outcomes of elections. We’ll be advocating for policies that ensure wealthy special interests and political insiders don’t drown out the voice of average Nebraskans.

It’s sure to be a tough fight, but an open, honest, and accountable government is worth the struggle.

In solidarity,
Gavin Geis and Common Cause Nebraska Team



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