

네브래스카 주민의 알 권리

네브래스카의 공개 회의 및 공공 기록 법률에 대한 가이드입니다. 주 정부에 접근하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알고 싶다면 시작해야 할 곳입니다.

링크 및 다운로드

Making sure everyone knows their rights.

We, the people, are self-governed, so government data and meetings are accessible to all of us. We appreciate those who serve the public and when we want or need access to this information, the responsibility is ours to get it.

Know Your Sunshine Rights

In an effort to help Nebraskans understand their open meetings and public records rights, Common Cause Nebraska created a brochure that summarizes the basics that every engaged person should know. From how to submit a record request and what to think about before you do, to what rights the law specifically grants you at a public meeting, the brochure is a go-to resource for engaging with government at every level.



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