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네브래스카 주의 Common Cause는 이니셔티브 432 통과 후 '상식적인 사진 신분증 요구 사항'을 요구합니다.

링컨, 네브래스카주 — 네브래스카주 유권자들이 유권자 신분증 투표안인 이니셔티브 432를 66% 대 34% 표 차이로 통과시킨 후, Common Cause Nebraska는 일원제 의회에 합리적인 요구 사항을 시행할 것을 촉구하고 있습니다.

링컨, 네브래스카주 — After Nebraska voters passed 이니셔티브 432, a voter ID ballot measure, by a 66%-34% vote margin, Common Cause Nebraska is calling on the unicameral to implement sensible requirements. 

Initiative 432’s passage will trigger amending the state constitution to require a valid photo ID to vote. The initiative stipulated that the state legislature is now required to specify what qualifies for photo ID.

Despite Common Cause Nebraska’s concerns regarding the measure, the organization supports the results of the measure.

“Nebraska voters have made their voices heard, but because this initiative requires the state legislature to determine the exact voter ID rules, the next legislative session is just as important,” said Gavin Geis, Common Cause Nebraska’s executive director. 

“We are asking legislators to institute common sense photo ID requirements that won’t force Nebraskans to obtain new identification in order to vote. Additionally, we are asking Nebraskans to be a part of the process and to be prioritized over hyper-partisan laws.”

The next Nebraska legislative session will likely begin on Jan. 3, 2023.




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