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네브래스카 주 공통 원인, 로비스트 관련 불만에 대한 적절한 규제 및 투명성 요구

링컨, 네브래스카주 — 오늘, Common Cause Nebraska의 대표 이사인 Gavin Geis는 네브래스카 책임 및 공개 위원회(NADC)에 Arin Hess 목사가 네브래스카 주 상원의원들에게 로비 활동을 하고 있지만 법률에서 요구하는 대로 위원회에 등록되어 있지 않다고 주장하며 불만을 제기했습니다.

LINCOLN, NE — Today, Gavin Geis, executive director of Common Cause Nebraska, lodged a complaint with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission (NADC) alleging that Rev. Arin Hess is lobbying Nebraska State Senators but is not registered with the Commission as required by law.  

Hess, chaplain and president of the pastoral nonprofit Capitol Studies, has provided “Bible studies” for elected officeholders. The reverend conducted these exclusive studies with Nebraska state senators in their private offices while also integrating WallBuilders videos and other materials. WallBuilders is a Texas-based group dedicated to “providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values,” according to their website. Senators who have attended Hess’ studies introduced several bills last legislative session that aligned with WallBuilders’ proposals.

According to the NADC, a lobbyist is defined as one “who attempts to affect matter before the Nebraska Legislature on behalf of another.” Lobbyists must register with the NADC and file Quarterly Lobbyist Reports disclosing their receipts and expenditures, something Hess has not done. 

Geis argues that Hess’ representation of Capitol Studies, use of WallBuilders materials, and Hess’ exclusive studies with the officials should require the reverend registering as a lobbyist.

“Nebraskans deserve to have the confidence that their elected officials are not conflicted or compromised due to a lack of regulation,” said 가이스. “That’s why we’re calling on Hess to register as a lobbyist immediately. While Hess and Capitol Studies are within their rights to advocate for policy related to their faith, lobbyists and their principals should not escape regulation.”




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