

네브래스카의 공정한 재분할

Nebraskans deserve fair elections, where every vote counts and the outcomes reflect the will of the people.

In a democracy, we are supposed to choose our elected representatives.

However, in some instances, through partisan tactics, our representatives are really choosing their voters. Election Day is when we get to have our say, and we need to reform the rules so every vote matters.

Every 10 years, in the year following the census, state legislatures rearrange the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts.

Redistricting is supposed to reflect changes in population and ensure that everyone is fairly represented. But by manipulating the lines, moving friendly voters into pockets of strength, and breaking up areas where they and their allies typically run weakest, members of the majority party — Democrat or Republican — can have a big impact on who’ll represent you in the statehouse and in Congress.

Common Cause Nebraska works to support redistricting that avoids partisan interest and ensures that the lines are drawn fairly and districts represent the communities they serve.

Our Maps Nebraska

Our Maps was a Common Cause Nebraska program that got Nebraskans more involved in the redistricting process during the 2021 cycle. By talking to people in areas across the state about the locations and places that define their communities, our goal was to change the redistricting structure from a top-down, partisan approach to a grassroots, publicly involved process.

We engaged folks through virtual events where we drew out community blocks that best represent the places they live. This was done through DistrictR, a community mapping platform.

Using DistrictR, we were able to draw out areas that members in a neighborhood or collection of neighborhoods felt represented them — not based on their political affiliation, but day-to-day interaction with those living around them and their values as a community.

In taking part in Our Maps, Nebraskans were invited to come together to learn more redistricting and its importance, in a space that encouraged dialogue about the issues facing their community as they define it.

우리와 함께하세요

Advocacte For Fair Districts

Sign up to stay up-to-date on the fight for impartial voting maps in Nebraska, including volunteer opportunities and legislative updates.

귀하의 재정 지원은 우리가 다음과 같은 영향을 미치는 데 도움이 됩니다. 권력에 책임을 묻는다 민주주의를 강화합니다.


New Analysis Shows Nebraska’s Partisan Redistricting Process Led to Overcrowded Urban Districts

블로그 게시물

New Analysis Shows Nebraska’s Partisan Redistricting Process Led to Overcrowded Urban Districts

Two Nebraska mathematics professors recently published an analysis of the 2021 voting district maps, revealing several flaws in the final versions. We feel their work is important to the issue of redistricting in our state and will summarize key takeaways in this post.  



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